86 results found for "en_GB"

National Steel Award 2012
The 'Bicycle Apple' at the train station of Alphen aan de Rijn has won the National Steel Award 2012 in the category utility. In collaboration with the architectural office KuiperCompagnons, ...

Sustainibility Award for renovation Casuariestraat
The renovation of an office building at the Casuariestraat in The Hague has won the second price during the annual award of the 'Gouden Kikker' Sustainability Award. The Gouden Kikker is ...

Monuments Prize The Hague
Since 2012 the municipality of The Hague brings restaurations and refurbishment projects on monuments into the spotlight by awarding a prize to the most succesfol renovation. Like last year, the ...

Two Nominations 'Dutch Construction Award' 2015
The cablenet facades of the Market Hall are nominated for the 'Dutch Construction Award' 2015 in the category building materials and building systems. Also the extension of the Mauritshuis ...

Octatube: winner of the‘Supply chain partner of the year’ award!
Yearly Wates Group in London organize the Supply Chain Awards. This event recognises the valued support by supply chain partners. Octatube is a specialized sub-contractor of several projects in ...

Winner Façades of the year 2017!
FAÇADE2017 of the SFE’s (Society for Facade Engineering) is the international competition, designed to recognize, reward and promote excellence in the key disciplines of ...

Opening Market Hall
The opening of the Market Hall by Queen Máxima attracted widespread public attention. Octatube is responsible for the realisation of the two large cablenet facades and the glass balustrades of ...

How we handle your personal data Privacy Statement Octatube respects your privacy and protects your data. We treat the personal information you give us confidentially. We handle your personal ...