173 results found for "LED"

Opening Moreelsebrug Utrecht
...of all glass balustrades with integrated LED lighting. This is how the newly opened ... 

Delft Daylight for the reopened National Gallery of Ireland
...conditions outside in Dublin. Daylight is controlled yet its changes and variabilities remain ... 

Unique glass facade at great height
...glass panels (all 148 of them) have been installed without glass breakage!

Inspiring the next generation of engineers
...steel structure of 60x15x10 meters was pre-assembled in the factory (scale ... 

Complete two projects in one day? Leave it to Iris!
...and started a project that would later be called Passage Tilburg. Octatube still needed a ... 

Glas in Beeld - De Muzerije
...The frameless glass roof, engineered and installed by Octatube, has a surface of approximately ... 

Volkskrant - Art Center Sneek
...alleys, streets and a small square are concealed underneath a glass roof.” “It ... 

Bouwwereld - Passage Tilburg
...between the various frame parts are very detailed and cleverly constructed in a way they cannot ...