Geert Groote Huis

Glass, Steel
Roof, Facade, Renovation

In the Geert Grote Huis the life and works of this famous citizen of Deventer (1340-1384) is memorialized. It is situated at the Lamme van Dieseplein in the centre of Deventer. The eye-catching building will after the renovation be enriched with a glass object in the shape of a diamant at 11,4 meters height. The front part consists of a play with steel tubes joining together in a large complex node.
Special about this project is the fact that the glass and steel construction are placed on top of medieval basement walls. Because the 60 centimeters wide walls cannot deal with tensile forces, facilities were put in to place at both the vertical side walls and horizontal roof surface have been, and also the concrete in the floor has additionally been reinforced.

Click here for a video of the installation works.

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