Queen Máxima will visit Octatube on the 17th of November
We can finally make it known. On "Entrepreneur's Day" (Dag van de Ondernemer), Queen Máxima, together with the Dutch Committee for Entrepreneurship and Finance, the State Secretary Keijzer for Economic and Climate Affairs (EZK) and other members, will come to Octatube to present the annual report about the ‘State of SMEs’ in the Netherlands.
This annual report will be published by the Dutch Committee for Entrepreneurship and Financing. The annual report includes new figures from CBS on small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the story behind the figures and developments within SMEs. This trend analysis covers more than one million companies in the Netherlands. The aim of the Annual Review is to gain a structural insight into the situation of SMEs. It also shows the challenges and opportunities facing entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneur Day' is an initiative of MKB-Nederland. This day is intended to celebrate entrepreneurship and thank entrepreneurs for their courage and commitment. Entrepreneur Day is celebrated in several European countries on the third Friday of November.
Of course we at Octatube look forward to this beautiful day and we are honored that Octatube has been chosen to host this event.