Tour of the Enterprises
On Thursday, June the 7th, 80 students visited Octatube for Tour of the Enterprises. Erik van der Thiel and Maurits Stoffer gave a presentation about Octatube and afterwards there was time for a tour though the factory.
The Tour of the Entreprises, organized by the municipality of Delft, aims to connect students with the businesscommunity in Delft. They try to make students more aware of the diversity in companies that this region has to offer.
Octatube's engineers Erik and Maurits gave the students a presentation and guided tour through our workshop. Afterwards the students stayed for a drink as well. Maurits gave a short pitch about Octatube. Many students were enthousiastic about the work we do! It was a successful evening!
Below, a small impression of the evening:
Erik answers questions.
Maurits explains about our work.
The prototype for AFAS is being inspected.
The Pitch!
Afterwards there were pizza’s with beers for the hungry students.
And some of our colleagues were there as well.